Petco Love Lost helps reunite lost pets with their families. All pets that enter our shelter’s custody are listed on the Petco Love Lost website. You can browse found animals, report a lost or found pet, and register your pet in the event that it is ever missing.
Please click the button below to report or search for your lost or found pet.
Found A Stray?
1.) Post to all social media and list on Petco Love Lost as “found”.
2.) If you are driving and see a loose animal, honk your horn as this may cause the dog to run back to its home and to safety.
2.) If you live in the city limits of Tupelo, contact animal control at 662-869-2911 to report the animal as a stray for investigation. The animal control officers will bring to TLHS if they are unable to locate an owner.
3.) Some dogs may have tags on them but we are always happy to scan a found animal at no charge to check for a microchip.
Click HERE for more tips on what you can do to help a found pet that could be lost.
Have a stray that you need to find a home for?
1. Take good pictures of the pet.
2. Post to social media and Petco Love Lost.
3. Contact us at 662-205-4221 or email us at intake@tupeloleehumane.org to schedule an intake appointment. Review our intake policy here.
4. Found an injured or sick stray? Please call 662-205-4221 Ext. 1000 during our business hours Tuesday – Friday 10-5. If you find an injured or sick pet outside of our business hours, please call animal control at 662-869-2911 and a Lee County’s dispatch will assist with more information.
Rehoming Guide: Helping Your Pet Find Happiness
Less stress for the pet. Because these pets move directly to their new home, they never have to enter the shelter. Regardless of the facility or quality of care, a shelter is a strange and unfamiliar place for any pet.
More space in the shelter. This allows us to use our limited shelter space and resources to take in animals that have no other options. We may be able to rescue more animals at risk of abuse or neglect, and pull animals from other shelters to avoid overcrowding and euthanasia.
Adopters get more information. Owners are able to tell adopters all about their pet’s personality and preferences first hand. Adopters get to see the pet’s behavior in a more natural environment.
We can help other animals. Although our shelter only houses cats and dogs, any species (as long as they are legal to own in the state of Mississippi) can be rehomed through Home To Home.
Each website has their own procedures to follow to register your pet for adoption. Some of these websites offer pre-adoption applications that help you rehome your pet with confidence. The following are TLHS’s suggestions and through experience have helped adopted pets more efficiently.
Step 1: Take a good photo and description of your pet. The photo will give the potential adopter their first impression of your pet. It is best to get on your pet’s level and have it centered around the face of your pet.
Step 2: A good description of your pet. This description is not the time to describe every single issue or quirk your pet may have but rather to capture the attention of a potential adopter. There are lots of examples of these on various websites. Check out the Best Friends1 Resources webpage on how to write a good pet description.
Step 3: Advertising Your Pet. Make sure to use the previously mentioned websites along with your personal social media to promote your pet.
Step 4: Finding the Right Fit. Some of the above mentioned websites do offer questionnaires to ask potential adopters. Most of these questionnaires will help you determine if the person(s) are a good fit for your pet along with their living environment. Do not be afraid to ask questions. It is reasonable to ask for a rehoming fee that will help filter out serious inquiries. Try to be reasonable when considering a rehoming fee. You do not want to create too many barriers for potential adopters.
Single attractive female looking for a place to put my paws up, hopefully on your couch. I have had a brood of kids and thank goodness they are all grown and on their own. I have the amazing ability to never talk about myself but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up the appearance of being interested in the conversation. I am waiting to hear you talk.
There are a number of websites that are free to use that help rehome pets. Below is a limited number of websites. We did not endorse any of these. This list is merely a resource for you to explore.
Home to Home: Rehome – Home to Home Animal Adoption (home-home.org)
Home 2 Home Pets: Rehome a Pet | home-to-home (home2homepets.org)
Homeward Pet: Homeward Pet | Home
Mississippi Dog Rescue: https://animal.rescueme.org/